To encourage INB Rewards membership, INB is sponsoring “Leap Into INB Rewards,” a contest offering INB Reward points to winners who can redeem the points for gift cards and other items from the INB Rewards website.

“INB launched the rewards program last year,” says Cayla Keyes, vice president, retail sales manager. “It provides points to anyone who makes customer referrals to INB checking. The points can be redeemed for gift cards, household goods, jewelry, and travel, among other things.”
“’Leap Into INB Rewards’ is our way of giving people a chance to win 3,000, 2,000 or 850 reward points on top of what they’ll earn from making referrals.” While gift selections change regularly, examples of awards at 850 points have included tool kits and home air purification devices. At 2,000 points, you’ll find skateboards and photo print docks. And our grand prize winner could select floodlight cameras or air miles from major airlines.
Anyone who signs up for our new, free-to-anyone awards program at our Rewards Website in February 2024 will have their name included in the sweepstakes drawing. Entrants can earn additional entries if their Personal Referral Code is used when a new checking account is opened. You’ll find complete details, including eligibility requirements at
“INB awards the points as friends and family open INB checking accounts. People then log into our rewards website to decide how they’d like to use their points. The more referrals and account openings, the more items to choose from,” Cayla continues.
The first step for anyone who would like to take part in INB Rewards is to register on the rewards website and get a personal referral code. “The code is used to identify accounts opened as a result of a referral and assures we give points to the right individuals,” Cayla explains.
With each new account opening using a referral code, referees will earn 350 points, the value of a $25 gift card. The individual opening a new checking account will also earn points.
Sharing is Caring About How Your Friends Bank
It’s easy to share your referral code and the value of an INB checking account. At the website, you choose the “Invite a Friend” button. There, you’ll find your personal referral code associated with a message you can easily share on social media and e-mail to invite friends and family to open a checking account with INB.
Here’s How You Redeem Rewards
With your first rewards, you can start choosing gifts, or you can also save your rewards and ultimately redeem for higher-priced items and gift cards. Cayla notes, “Award options are updated regularly, but you’ll find everything from name-brand garden tools to a Caribbean cruise. There’s something for everyone.”