When it comes to finding better ways to do things, INB’s executive team has always counted on employees.  As a reminder that employees have the power to suggest and make changes on a regular basis, SVP, Chief Operating Officer Mark Donovan offered a cash incentive for employees to consider, document and share their “Bright Ideas” in late 2023.

People holding up a lightbulb

“Beyond the joy of collaborating with one another and being recognized for great ideas, we hope the campaign inspires other employees,” Mark emphasized. “We want everyone to realize that, not only do they generate the best ideas, but they’re empowered to enact changes that make their work lives more productive or improve the customer experience.”  

Of the submissions, nine were actionable immediately or in the near future, providing INB with either cost savings, efficiency improvement or both.

Employees who submitted winning ideas were recently asked to share their ideas and why they decided to submit them during a special meeting with INB executives. One presenter, Customer Care Consultant Cammy Murfin, noted the uniqueness of both the special meeting and the campaign to encourage employee participation in making the bank as good as it can be. “Nothing like this would have happened with my past employer,” she said.

Cammy’s suggestion was a simple one:  Put the “Show Password” feature on the digital banking platform. The idea has already been implemented:  When a customer logs into digital banking on the INB website or through the app, they’ll now see “Show” next to the password.  Click on the word “Show,” and you’ll see your password as you key it.  “It’s so easy to make a mistake with a password. Then people get locked out and need to call us,” Cammy notes. “We get a lot of calls about passwords.”

Care Center Full of Bright Ideas

Cammy wasn’t the only Care Center employee to have a Bright Idea. Teammates Samantha (Sam) Bradley, Joe Jonaitis and Jonathan Keldermans – as well as Cammy -- joined together to submit an idea that will help cut down on calls. The group noted there’s also a high call volume around ACH (electronic) payments and when the money from these payments will be available to a customer. 

For example, some Social Security recipients call monthly asking when a payment will show as a deposit in their account.  INB has this information prior to it showing in digital banking as a deposit. The team’s idea is to include ACH information inside of digital banking as soon as it’s available to INB. Then customers can “self-serve” by logging into digital banking and being able to see exactly when they can expect to access their money.

ACH information isn’t available yet, but INB is working with its digital banking service to make this idea a reality. 

More Ideas Directly Helping Customers

It wasn’t just the INB Customer Care staff suggesting changes. Employees in departments bank-wide submitted ideas. Our Information Technology, Treasury, Training and Commercial Lending departments each saw winning submissions.

And while officially in the same Retail division as Customer Care, our branch managers also had ideas on improving digital banking.  South Sixth Street Branch Manager Natalie Cain suggested adding Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) loan notifications as part of the “suite” of notifications customers can sign up for in digital banking. Chatham’s Amanda Donley asked for a search feature inside of our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. “Search” will make it easier for staff to read through the notes, meaning the INB team can more quickly help a customer.

INB is working to implement Amanda and Natalie’s ideas.

Recognition and Awards Bank Wide

Other employees recognized for their Bright Ideas include:

Annelise Ferrer, Commercial Loan and Portfolio Assistant, Miami

Jessica Fuess, VP Business Solutions

Jessica Walcher, Commercial Loan Coordinator

Sue McGill, VP, Training Development & Project Manager