Kelly Dill has told her five kids, “You don’t have to make lots and lots of money to love your job.”
This sentiment comes from Kelly as she gets ready to retire at the end of the year from a job she loves.
Kelly, a lockbox clerk in our Remittance Center, came to the Springfield area from Danville after her husband earned a degree from Danville Community College. With the degree in hand, he took a position with the State of Illinois in Springfield, met INB’s Brian Payne (SVP, Remittance Processing & Tech Services) through this job, and encouraged Kelly to apply with INB when he heard of an opening.
Before coming to INB, Kelly had retail experience. But the long hours and work were physically hard, so she was happy to find more of a desk job. Over the years, she’s had the chance to handle several different job types in addition to her original assignment of 1040 logs for the Illinois Department of Revenue. As she gets incoming forms ready for processing, she takes the files to the processing department, reviews the reports she gets back, and handles deposits. As part of our workday, she says she walks down the hall 50-60 times a day.
She especially loves it when Data Entry Supervisor Audra Von De Bur comes down that same hall singing. “She lifts your spirits and just brightens the day,” Kelly says of her friend.
Kelly brightens the day for her coworkers as well. She enjoys crafting and shares her work with her work friends. It’s these same coworkers who she says she’ll miss the most once she’s no longer working.
Kelly and her husband have immediate plans to take their youngest granddaughter to Disney World. “She’ll be 12 and she’s never been there,” Kelly explains. The couple will also get to attend a family reunion in Arkansas this summer. But other than that, Kelly will craft, her husband will golf, and they’ll both spend more time with their youngest grandchildren.
Kelly’s hopeful these activities will take place AFTER they find a new, ranch home. One of their sons will move into the Dill’s two-story family home as soon as Kelly finds exactly what she wants.