The 4th quarter is a busy time of year at INB– but not too busy to celebrate our service anniversaries!

Rhonda Brown, remittance processor, is ringing in 20 years at INB, and Patrick Edwards, SVP, Commercial Lending, celebrates 15 years.
Employees commemorating five years of service this quarter include:
- Andi Whalen, AVP, Branch Manager, Bloomington
- Sean McKenna, SVP, Commercial Lending and Missouri Market President
- Zach Lammers, VP, Commercial Lending
- Joe Fendi, VP, Commercial Lending
- Ashton Sheehan, Assistant General Counsel
- Ryan Duncan, Credit Analyst
- Dalton Toppe, Senior Teller, Fairmount
Get to know our staff celebrating 2023 4th quarter anniversaries…
Pat Edwards
Favorite part about working at INB: My favorite part of working at INB is working with my clients to take care of their needs, as well as the people I work with here.
One item on my bucket list: I would like to go on a fishing trip/tour to Alaska someday.
Ashton Sheehan
Favorite part about working at INB: The people! My co-workers make it enjoyable to come to work every day, and that’s something I don’t take for granted.
My favorite holiday: Christmas! I love all the decorations, lights, food, and traditions with family and friends. I decorate as soon as I can and drag my feet to take everything down -- there is just something so cozy and comforting about Christmas lights.
Joe Fendi
Favorite part about working at INB: The culture! It feels like family. These past five years have been my favorite in my banking career.
My favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption
What's your favorite restaurant and what do you order there? Caps On The Water in Saint Augustine, FL…anything on the menu.
Andi Whalen
Favorite part about working at INB: The people I work with are wonderful and make working here fun.
One item on my bucket list: Hiking the Grand Canyon
Zach Lammers
Favorite part about working at INB: INB is truly dedicated to putting their clients first and ensuring that we remain competitive amongst our peer banks. If there is ever an area that needs improvement, Senior Leadership is always open to listen to and explore ideas on how to improve our products or experiences for our clients.
My favorite holiday: Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. Seeing and hearing the excitement and joy of my two kids as they experience the magic of the holiday is something I always look forward to.
Ryan Duncan
Favorite part about working at INB: The camaraderie. Everyone is willing to help each other, and we are a tight-knit group.
My favorite vacation destination: I’m a Celtics fan, so my favorite vacation destination is Boston. Not only is Boston a great sports city, but there are also plenty of historical sites as well.
Dalton Toppe
Favorite part about working at INB: My favorite part about working at INB would have to be the Fairmount customers; they are the greatest.
My favorite movie: My favorite movie would have to be Secondhand Lions.