As Loss Mitigation Assistant for the last six years, INB’s Richard Lewis worked with customers who truly needed his assistance – and it’s a role that motivated him every day.
“One grand, older couple comes to mind quickly; I couldn’t help but be moved by their circumstance,” Richard recalls.
“This couple’s world was recently rocked when a dementia diagnosis was received. With medical bills mounting and the stress of having to shuffle roles, this couple fell behind on their mortgage.
“We worked with the couple, let them know we were not simply a voice on the other end of the line, and we were committed to finding a financial solution.”
With this devotion and commitment, Richard will continue to work with customers as part of his recent promotion to Account Preservation Officer at INB.
Helping Through the Hard Times
He started with INB in 2014 at INB’s Montvale branch. He has primarily handled our residential, default-related collection, which includes home equity, in-house residential and secondary residential mortgage loan portfolios.
In this role, Richard has been responsible for ensuring compliance with all federal, state and secondary market loan program guidelines. He also serves as INB’s consumer collections specialist.
“I am so glad I came to INB almost six years ago,” Richard shares. “INB has given me an opportunity to do what I love and that is helping people find solutions with hurdles in life. I have built so many relationships with customers and coworkers.”
Richard has enjoyed being part of community involvement and improvement through INB. He participates in United Way’s Day of Action each year and contributes monthly to United Way.
Opportunities for New Ideas
He says he believes few employers allow their staff to ‘think outside the box’ like INB does.
“At INB, we put the human touch into action,” he says. “INB is a great company to work for because they encourage personal and business growth for their employees."
At the end of the day, Richard is driven by the opportunity to help others through his career.
“There is great satisfaction in knowing I am able to assist customers who are experiencing very difficult life issues, being the catalyst to boost them from an uncertain future, with a pending foreclosure, into an assured future in their home,” he says. “These relationships developed through INB are priceless to me.”