princess partySome ran to the princesses and hugged them.  Others ran toward them then shied away.  But whatever their initial steps into the bank lobby, all the little princesses left with a smile and a beautifully painted face.

It was a Princess Party after all.  We invited the handsome princes of the land, too, but only a few came.  It was the diminutive princesses who came dressed in fabulous blue gowns who truly appreciated the event.  Our teller lines became ice caves.  Snowflakes hung from our blue and green Christmas trees.  Even our historic chandeliers sported chilly blue and cold white puffs.  Our check signing station offered blue candy canes and specially packaged chewy treats from crystal clear containers.  The stage was set.

Some of the princesses started the adventure by having their faces painted by face artists Deidre Rosenberger and Pam Wall. These wonderfully talented ladies added sparkle and shine, butterflies or flowery swaths in just a matter of minutes.  One look in a mirror by a little girl, and they knew they’d done their job.  The boys did take part in the fun, usually opting for thunderbolts.

But the girls . . . with their faces painted, they were ready to be photographed with the real princesses.  We had three princess to choose from on Dec. 9 . . . one who gave wonderful hugs and welcomed anyone to pose for a picture, one who sang, and then there was the Ice Princess tree.  She was the real reason for the party! She came to the bank via Memorial Medical Center’s Festival of Trees.  When we heard she was coming, we decided to go all out and welcome her for the holiday season with a fully decorated lobby and this once and only, one-time party.

One of the highlights of the night were the prizes!  Three little guest princesses are taking home $30 each.  They are:

  • Sanai
  • Maria
  • Phoebe

If you’d still like to photograph your princess with our Ice Princess Tree, please visit the bank during regular lobby hours, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.  We will close at noon Christmas Eve.