To Shred or Not To Shred? That is the Question.
Lindsay Van Zele /
Communications Officer
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INB holds shred events each year so you can easily purge documents that include personal, confidential information. But why do we limit what you can shred to five bags or boxes of paper?
Because you don’t need to shred non-personal info. AND, it’s harder for recyclers to sell shredded paper than full sheets.
Why? According to the website Earth911, “Paper consists of fibers. The longer the fiber, the more valuable the paper is during the recycling process. As paper is recycled over and over, the fibers become shorter and must be downcycled into tissue or toilet paper. While these materials are still valuable, they’re not as valuable as nice, white office paper with long fibers.”
Here’s a handy image from that will help you determine what to recycle.
INB has two scheduled Shred Events during Earth Week:
INB-Mt. Pulaski
205 East Jefferson
Thursday, April 21, 2016
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
7535 North Knoxville Avenue
Saturday, April 23, 2016
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.