Dalton Garecht joined INB about two years ago as a teller. He took advantage of INB’s opportunities for career advancement and was promoted to relationship banker and, recently, to North Dirksen branch operations supervisor.

Dalton showed he was ready for promotion by learning his job well, being willing to take on tasks outside of his job description, and simply letting customers and coworkers know he was ready to take on any task at hand. And having a vibrant personality didn’t hurt!
Dalton’s job as a relationship banker entailed opening and closing accounts for individual customers and businesses, balancing checkbooks, and printing debit cards. It was Dalton’s willingness to help wherever he was needed that led to his promotion. He, along with the outstanding coworkers that surround him, are expected to assist the teller lines, pick up calls going to our Customer Care Center, and take loan applications.
“I have tried to take on any extra things I could because it is an opportunity to learn,” Dalton says.
Dalton is one of the many INB employees who has taken on opportunities outside of work to better promote our mission at INB, providing the people and businesses in our community with the tools they need to better manage their finances. One incredible opportunity has been visiting Lutheran High School and speaking with students about planning for their future finances.
It's Just the Beginning
Dalton says working as a relationship banker is an amazing entry job to banking. Not only does it teach the employee great communication skills and personal finance organization, but it brings a worldly perspective to that of the banker.
“I have learned to not judge someone’s finances by the car they drive or clothes they wear, and many times when people ask questions they truly are looking for help,” he says.
Outside of his dedicated work at the bank, Dalton can be found competing at motocross races, hunting with his father, or lifting at the gym. October and November are his favorite months because it is the best time to ride and it is deer season!
Beyond these hobbies of his, Dalton also has a PlayStation 5 that he plays from time to time, but he would much rather spend his time outside in the dirt!
It is the go-getter attitude and magnetic personalities of employees like Dalton that make the environment at INB such a vibrant one.
“I come to work determined to become a better person and employee,” Dalton concludes. And we’re very happy he did.