iPad Winner Checks a Gift Off Her List
Marilyn Titone Schaefer /
AVP, Communications Director
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I don’t want to give away any secrets, but Patty Brockmeyer is going to make someone very happy this Christmas when she gives him a new iPad to use at Grandma’s house. Patty won the iPad in INB’s recent “Pick an Apple” contest, and she expects the 8-year-old recipient will teach her (Grandma) how to use it!

Patty, of Palmyra, says she learned about INB’s “Pick an Apple” contest when she went on-line to “do something” with her account. “I guess I signed up,” she says, not even remembering taking the steps because they were so simple. Now she’s looking forward to spending time on the iPad with a special little boy this holiday season. She says she expects they’ll be watching a lot of on-line videos together.
Patty admits she was a little skeptical when she first got the call from our South Sixth Street Branch Manager Wendy Henton about winning the iPad. She did some fact checking before signing the obligatory paperwork and agreeing to meet Wendy, our Communications Coordinator Lindsay Van Zele, and me to pick up her prize. But she showed up and was definitely all smiles when she walked out the door. And we were happy, too, thinking about Patty and her special boy having a special holiday on INB.